Community Love

What people are saying about the course.

"Made clone of Home page of Reddit App using #Flutter. Thank you very much @seenickcode for the awesome course." - Tirth P.

"Here is a superb free @flutterio learning resource from @seenickcode - I like that he is trying to teach end-to-end concepts rather than just 'here's a widget and here's what it does' ." - Tarran B.

"Awesomeness. Just finished @seenickcode's Flutter Crash Course @flutterio. One of the best, from a super experienced and knowledgeable developer." - @siliconsorcery, Sep 01, 2018

"Love it already! Short and to the point." - Eti U.

"I recommend this course “The Flutter Crash Course”, it will help you start developing #flutter apps quickly . It's clear, easy to understand, and well organized. Thanks @seenickcode." - @mshanak

"Thank you Nick @seenickcode for your Flutter Crash Course. If you want to learn Flutter, look no further." - @crownvic2009

"If i am being Frank...@seenickcode has one of the best flutter tutorials on youtube ...and what really like is how he explains concepts and how he organizes his codes...thumps up." - @EmmanuelAto123

"Without a doubt, you have the BEST material available...What sets yours apart, from the rest, is that you take the time to demonstrate the how and why your code is structured the way it is. You explain alternatives, (rather than just showing some code.) You provide context and reasoning behind what you are doing!...Please keep up what you are doing. The past hour with your first few videos have cleared my understanding of Flutter, greatly! I can't wait to go through the rest of the course and get back to building my Flutter apps." - Alan G.

"I just wanted to say that I really liked this one. I had some trouble understanding concepts from a udemy course I bought, but I got alot further alot faster with your course here." -

"...thank you for your great effort in flutter crash course. It's totally clean and easy to understand" - Aybars A.

"Completed 5 days ago and I have to say, I really enjoyed it. I've never done mobile app development before, but with the help of Nick I got through it and I had a blast doing so. I highly recommend this course to anyone looking to try #flutter" - Jeremy L.

"@seenickcode thank you man for your flutter crash course, really enjoyed it, and as a person who've tried and built stuff with flutter before I came out feeling much better about my grip of flutter" - Patyutyu P.

"Just wanted to thank you for your excellent Crash Course in Flutter course. I have watched some tutorials - that basically went into describing each of the myriad lego pieces - color, number or pegs, shape etc.. but not how they fit together to make something. Your tutorial was more meat and potatoes.. 'This is what you do.. and why.. if you want more info, consult the documentation'. You knocked it out of the park - just wanted you to know!!" - Bob H.

"Just finished your course and had a blast with it all, and I wanted to thank you so much for putting this together. I've purchased countless courses and read a plethora of tutorials from Udemy, Udacity, CodeAcademy, and many other websites and let me tell you, I loved yours the most out of any online programming course." - Mario L.

"I just wanted to thank you for the great free course. I learnt a lot more than on the course I bought on Udemy. I finished the beginners course and I am excited for the second part of the course." - Max J.

"I just started recipe 2 and I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate your course. You have a real talent." - Dimitri T.

"I just finished your third video "Creating Your own StatelessWidget" and just wanted to say thank you :) Your videos are well structured, super informative and the way you explain concepts makes a lot of sense. So, I'm excited to go on and check out the other videos." - Chris G.

"I recommend this course 'The Flutter Crash Course', it will help you start developing #flutter apps quickly. It's clear, easy to understand, and well organized. Thanks ⁦@seenickcode" - Mahdi.

"Hey @seenickcode, thank you for ! Clear and complete!" - Antonio F.

"I find this tutorial excellent, it gives real insight for building solid foundations, thanks" - John F.

"Hey Nick! Ive been doing your flutter course and I just want to say how thankful I am for you creating that. Ive built my new mobile app 85% in React Native but the performance for android and even sometimes iOS is too slow, so Im redoing my entire app in flutter, your course is helping immensly!" - JM M.

"This is a really great course. Thank you very much for it, already enjoying it. Can't wait for the next recipe!" - Tirth P.

"This is excellent man!" - Jason F.

"You have taken a different approach and I find it easy to understand. You have made things easy by explaining so well. Awesome!" - Subhash P.

"Lovely course and awesome video by instructor. Love the way u teach i.e. straight to the point nothing else." - Avinash S.